72 pages. Ever get the feeling that if you have to make 72 pages of advice on your cultural needs to a school, you should search for a country more in keeping with your way of life?
It is absolutely abhorrent that we all learn "cultural sensititvity" - which is mostly just on Islam - instead of learning to accomodate people who DON'T have the choice to act that way. The physically handicapped. The mentally disabled or ill. The blind and the deaf. People with autism. Or what about, in our schools, we give kids the literacy and numeracy that they need to succeed, as well as non-religious citizenship education, and sporting and creative opportunities! Enough with this shite!
This is the MCB's guidelines which they want sent to every Local Education Authority in the country to counter "Islamophobia" (hell, it's pretty tough to say that word with a straight face). Page 11 has a big quote on how European civilisation owes everything to Arabs (not NECESSARILY Muslims). Can these liars go five fucking minutes without propagating lies to us? This sinister approach continues:
It is important for educators to appreciate and understand the centrality of knowledge and
education in the philosophy of Islam and the substantial Muslim contributions to European
and world civilisation. Within the educational context it is important to explore opportunities
to emphasise on common and shared aspects of the Islamic and European civilisations in
various fields such as religion, culture, linguistic and intellectual exchanges.Huh? Well, I can see the point in learning about the contributions of all civilisations, but why just Islam? What does the scholarly work of long-dead people who happened to also be Muslims have to do with Muslims in our country now?
On page 15, they mention "Islamophobia" (SMIRK) and how it was caused by 9/11 and 7/7 - and then allowed to continue because English schools have communal changing rooms (as well as swimming lessons in general!) and no halal dinners! What have they been smoking?
Now we've got more - to stop the Muslim underachievement in schools they need to learn more about their history. That'll integrate them good. And now, they say that they are superior to the needs of other religions:
We recognise that local authorities and schools, as part of their general strategies, do attempt
to address the diverse religious and cultural needs of their pupils and try to respond to the
communities they serve. Although there are many similarities with other faith groups, many of
the issues facing Muslim pupils are different in kind and in degree. Schools need to be better
informed and have greater and more accurate appreciation of their Muslim pupil’s needsHmmm...so we can't have a more diverse school by celebrating Caribbean Carnival, learning about Hindu philosophers or the history of Jews in Britain...we need Islam, Islam and more Islam.
On page 31, we have advice for schools not to schedule sex education or swimming for ANYBODY during Ramadan. Surely as a multicultural country we should be inclusive and ban everybody from doing an activity when one child has a religious opposition to it? Let's do absolutely nothing! That's education!
On page 39, dance, which is compulsory PE, is told to be banned for a "more suitable option" and if that is not possible, parental requests to be excused. Shouldn't it be the other way around?
Page 50, Modern Foreign Languages. Surely the least likely subject to be Islamified? Nope.
Arabic, the language of the Qur’an, holds an important status for all Muslims regardless of their
linguistic backgrounds. All Muslim children learn to read and recite the Qur’an in Arabic, and are
required to perform their prayers and supplications in this language. Offering Arabic as an option
in both primary and secondary schools would provide Muslim children with wider linguistic skills
and offers greater access to their religious and cultural heritage, thus giving them a stronger
sense of self-esteem and achievemenAnd not even a mention of the same options to others to learn Hebrew, Sanskrit, Latin or Old Church Slavonic. Surely this can be done at home or place of worship?
Page 53: Drama:
Muslim pupils should not be expected to participate in drama or musical presentations
associated with celebrating aspects of other religions, such as nativity plays or Diwali, as
some of these are likely to involve playing roles which are considered to be inconsistent with
Islamic beliefs and teachings.
In addition, the music section encourages all pupils to perform "Nasheeds" sung Quranic verses.
And to top it off, if you haven't been culturally sensitised enough, you can go on a three-hour workshop, no doubt to fund the MCB more.
This entire paper is joke and no teacher should read or obey it. It denies basic human rights to non-Muslims to make the Muslims have the most privilege. It is discriminatory and un-English.
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