Saturday, 9 November 2013

Our veterans deserve better

On 11 November, we will remember all of those who fought to keep our country and our people free. Free from the over-revolution of Napoleon. Free from the iron fist of Hitler. Free from the Satanic evil of Bin Laden. But that's just not enough for some people, who, ironically, are the ones using our freedom of expression against it.

Open up The Guardian or listen to the BBC about the "insurgent" (leftist Newspeak for terrorist) whom our brave boys gave a bit of Best of British and sent him to Allah. What kind of perverse Anglophobic media will try to turn our loyalties against our heroes? In the week leading up to Rememberance Day? Red filth on Twitter had a go at Dawkins for criticising Islam's lack of scientifuc progress...during Ramadan! Somebody call the thought police! Got a case here of somebody not swallowing the left's view on the boundaries of polite debate!

It would downright stupid of me to blast a whole religion for the acts against our troops. But the fact that the extremists kill for a religion, which in a decent human being would lead to charity or kindness, should not be avoided. Fortress Britain fell on 22 May when Lee Rigby was executed in public in broad daylight. His cowardly assassin quoted the Koran to justify his crime, ending with "You people will never be safe". Kind of a clue to his motive. But no, the leftist toilet paper Guardian and the instantly forgettable leader of the Green Party pointed to British foreign involvement in other countries. On any other day, they would call this 'man', who was born in this country and travels to do Jihad on the passport of this country, "British". You can't have your cake and eat it. Are we invading your country or should appease your sensitivities because we are also citizens of your country?

Publicly stating an objection to wearing a poppy is the moral equivalent of having a wank in front of a group of people. It pleases you know end, repulses the others, but you don't mind. It's quite cute how these are mostly the commie and trade union types, who would have been the first into the ovens had our soldiers and seamen not socked it to the SS.

Burning the poppy in public is acceptable in this day and age. But the noisiness of it will land you a £50 fine. In revenge, an ex-soldier from Carlisle burned a Koran. The simpering judge described it as "An act of theatrical bigotry...You went out to cause maximum publicity and to cause distress". Ten weeks' jail. Sweet land of equality. Oh the freedoms which we enjoy, for what our ancestors put their lives on the fucking line for.

If we're going to punish "theatrical bigotry" and "maximum publicity", what about the two Birmingham councillors who folded their arms as the city applauded a Victoria Cross winner? Just google it. You won't be surprised by their names.

The revolution will come soon.

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