Yesterday a scary incident happened in South London. I first found out about it through the Daily Mail.
Was that the Mail stirring the story and making things up? Time for a cross-reference. I wonder what the left-wing, anti-racism Daily Mirror say:
Crikey! This is getting a bit convincing now! I have not just a right-wing but a left-wing source telling me that somebody was attempting a genocide in London yesterday! But I won't know for sure until I check the 100% neutral, 100% factual and unbiased Auntie Beeb.
Aah! Silly racist me, letting the media tell me otherwise! It was just an everyday case of a "man" doing an "attempted murder" in London. Happens everyday. Nothing serious. It couldn't have been what I believed it to have been - the BBC always cover the brutal hate crimes which occur in racist Britain.
It really makes you think. How did we ever make ourselves feel guilty before we had the BBC?
The revolution will come soon.
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