This is such a non-story I don't even know where to begin.
For a start, don't bite the hand that feeds you. If the people had their say, there would be no refugees in Europe at all. I can honestly say that about every single European nation. Overpopulation is critical in the developed West, and by January 35 million from the East can potentially join in on that. We have welfare leeches as far as the eye can see:
Oh yes. What do you get the benefit-cheating walking postbox who has everything? Hair care for nobody to see.
And we don't even have room for the honest ones. Schools are crammed and failing, with huge chunks of public budget going on interpreters. I heard somebody say "You can have a welfare state or open borders. You decide". It couldn't be more true. Attlee set up the NHS to build Jerusalem in England's green and verdant land. You can't perfect what you have if you add to the problem. Meanwhile, we become like Jerusalem in another way - divided, mistrusting parallel societies claiming their part as "our land". However, 50 years of immigration mismanagement shows quite a simpler case for whose land it is, compared to the eternal quagmire in the Holy Land.
And while on the subject of the Levant - if the Syrians are in camps in Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey, can't they show us this "Ummah" spirit of Muslim co-operation which they always boast about? As we always are told, Turkey is a free and democratic country fir for EU membership. Lebanon and Jordan are no culture shock and have remained largely peaceful in recent times. Ooh, and shall we move a little further into the desert: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman and the UAE. Surely these bastions of pure Islam can give a brother a hand? These nations in which no citizen pays any tax, and have enough cash spare to buy all of our football clubs and build gargantuous carbuncles of mosques.
A civil war is nothing more than rolling a six to move off the Third World. Why do we see so many rafts come into Sicily, but Southern Europe is one of the most homogenous parts of Europe. Why do tthey not touch base 50 miles across from Syria, in EU Cyprus? It's about money. All of the Italians who observed a minute's silence for their drowned invaders were duped - within one day, the Eritreans granted refuge in moderately wealthy Rome went AWOL. These aren't people fleeing to safety, democracy or religious freedom: Italy offers that just as much as the UK, Germany or Sweden. They just want to scavenge off hard-working people.
And it's the hard-working people who suffer. International aid is ring-fenced from budget cuts, meaning that £500 million have gone to these "desperate" people. That money could have fixed our education system. Every day, in my home town, I see a homeless man in his sleeping bag outside the bright lights of Starbuck's. Now I'm not particularly one for socialism, but if you're going to have it, use it to help your own first. It's pretty obvious when you look at these people's conditions and the track record that our government have, that it's gone for arming the rebels. Yep, as the government assures us that it's going to stop Islamic extremism in Afghanistan and on our streets, it's pushing for it in Syria. While so many of us are homeless or on the brink. While so many of us are dying of diseases on the brink of a cure. While our education lags behind Eastern Europe.
And we're all so terrible because we won't let foreign people come halfway across the world totake more money.
Notice the correlation between wealth and refugees? It's hardly the countries closest to the Third World, is it?
Sweden's 81,000 looks moderate. But is it had the population of France, the UK or Italy, this would be around 480,000. That's less than germany, but if Sweden had their population, we would see it have 650,000 refugees.
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